We have a large selection of trucks in the shop - they are not all up here yet, but we are in the process of getting them all online. 


ACE Ace AF1 Polished from $30.00
33 (8") / 44 (8.25") / 55 (8.5") / 60 (8.75") / 66 (9") / 77 (9.5") / 80 (10") /
Independent Independent Stage 11 Standard Polished from $25.00
129 (7.6") / 139 (8") / 144 (8.25") / 149 (8.5") / 159 (8.75") / 169 (9.125") /
Independent Independent Stage 4 Polished Sold Out
Thunder Thunder Polished $23.00
143 (7.3") / 145 (7.62") / 147 (8") / 148 (8.25") / 149 (8.5") / 151 (8.75") / 161 (9.125") /
Thunder Thunder Polished Hollow Lights $30.00
147 (8") / 148 (8.25") / 149 (8.5") / 151 (8.75") /
Venture Venture Hi Polished Truck $23.00
5.0 (7.62") / 5.2 (8") / 5.6 (8.25") / 5.8 (8.5") / 6.1 (8.75") /
